
100,000-level pu­rifi­ca­tion work­shop, 10,000 square me­ters stan­dard pro­duc­tion work­shop, elim­i­nate cross-con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.


Two dig­i­tal sily­marin pro­duc­tion lines, self-de­vel­oped process de­sign, ef­fec­tive de­grease and de­con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, with an an­nual out­put of more than 700 tons of milk this­tle ex­tract, to meet the qual­ity re­quire­ments of high-end cus­tomers around the world;


The largest pro­duc­tion and pro­cess­ing base of milk this­tle, an­nual out­put of 700 tons of sily­marin and sily­bin prod­ucts. Ex­pected to reach in in­come of of more than 100 mil­lion yuan. The to­tal pro­duc­tion of milk this­tle ex­tract ac­counts for 50% of the world's an­nual de­mand and it is cur­rently one of the world's largest sup­pli­ers of milk this­tle.



 Take the lead in realizing the layout of the whole industry chain of milk thistle as a professional manufacturer


     In­tel­li­gent oil press­ing pro­duc­tion line for milk this­tle seed pre­treat­ment;

     24-hour dig­i­tal milk this­tle seed oil re­fin­ing pro­duc­tion line/​fill­ing line;

     24-hour com­puter au­toma­tion con­trol ser­vice sys­tem;

     DCS au­to­matic con­trol sys­tem of ex­trac­tion work­shop;

     Work­shop au­toma­tion up­grade sys­tem。


The largest pro­duc­tion and pro­cess­ing base of milk this­tle, an­nual out­put of 700 tons of sily­marin and sily­bin prod­ucts. Ex­pected to reach an in­come of of more than 100 mil­lion yuan. The to­tal pro­duc­tion of milk this­tle ex­tract ac­counts for 80% of the to­tal out­put of milk this­tle in­dus­try


End-Product Warehouse


Corridor Purified


Drying Equipement


Extracting Equipement


Pressing Equipement


 Barrel for extracted powder


Filling Equipement